Jedi Marri

Just ME, as I Am.

Food for thought… June 19, 2008

Filed under: Life As It Is — jedimarri @ 7:35 pm
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Sherman Alexie, a Native American (though he would say Indian) writer says in his essay, “The Unauthorized Autobiography of Me”:

“Poetry = Anger X Imagination”

From later on in the same piece he writes this:

“‘Sherman,’ asks the critic, “how does your work apply to the oral tradition.’

‘Well,’ I say as I hold my latest book close to me, ‘It doesn’t apply at all because I type this.  And I’m really, really quiet when I’m typing it.'”

I was fascinated by this piece before we ever read it for class, and I was just sucked in farther the more I read!  He has some fascinating stories and interesting lines in there.  I’m going to find more of his work to read when I have a chance…


Oh my blog how I’ve missed you…

Filed under: Life As It Is — jedimarri @ 10:36 am

Well, school has started up again with a vengeance, and I’ve been busy, busy, busy for the last few days!  Apparently, even though the schedule says that all my classes are the full length session, they are all 6 week classes.  Which means more intense than I had planned for!  Which means not as much time for blogging and beading and such.  *sigh*

I am having fun though :).  My first class of the day is with Dr. Yukari Takimoto-Amos.  She’s one of my advisers and a riot to have a class with 🙂  So that’s fun, and I also know about half of the class.  Not really friends with them, but familiar and comfortable from being in other classes with them.  I sit with Amanda, and she’s a ton of fun!  We chat and chat and chat.  Well, not when Dr. Amos is talking of course, as Dr. Amos would say, “you no do such a thing!”

My second class of the day is creative writing.  We’ve already done so much writing!  It’s a lot of work, but I’m loving it.  I don’t know anyone in that class, but we’re all getting know each other pretty quickly.  Not making friends necessarily, but becoming comfortable enough around each other to talk.

I don’t know anyone in my last class of the day, but I’m enjoying it so far 🙂  Not like “oh this is fun!” but at least not, “oh this sucks.”  So I guess enjoy isn’t really the right word…but I don’t know what else to fit into that sentence >_>

Campus feels sooo empty!  There’s hardly anyone walking around…  That’s always the weird part about summer quarter.

I’ve gotten a slight tan just from walking back and forth too classes.  Not so much as you might notice it really, but enough to make me look a wee bit healthier.

I have so many other things I could write about right now, but I should do some other things.  *Sigh*  Responsibility is so sad some days 😛

Maybe I’ll bombard you all and write a second blog later on today 😛  Don’t count on it though…life is so unpredictable!